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New Resident / Business Information

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The Bureau frequently receives calls from new or prospective new Brick Township homeowners requesting their fire district, location of the nearest fire station and nearest fire hydrants. This information is often required by the homeowners insurance companies to assist in policy clarification.

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The reference map above may be of assistance in confirming your fire district. Most occupancies are within 5 miles of an existing fire station and within 600 feet of an existing fire hydrant. If you are requesting specific information regarding your district and/or the exact location of the nearest fire hydrant or station, please contact the Bureau office at 732-458-4100.


If you require assistance with scheduling a smoke alarm inspection for resale of your home call 732-458-4100.

New Business Information

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New business occupancies are subject to a yearly inspection by the Bureau of Fire Safety for relevant fire safety codes. Inspections are conducted in accordance with the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code and Municipal Ordinance Chapter 191. Fire Ordinance


Inspections include construction characteristics, travel distance, exits, emergency lighting, extinguishers, fire suppression systems, fire alarm systems, special hazards and processes, fire lanes and other relevant fire safety features. If you have a question regarding your particular business, please contact the Bureau office at 732-458-4100.

- Fire Lane / Zones / Signs - 

Fire Lane/Zones
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1. All lettering shall be upper case letters of the type approved by the Joint Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
2. All letters shall be Series "C" alphabet in accordance with "Manual on Uniform Traffic Devices".


1. Parking Prohibition Sign shall be red message on a white background.
2. Letters, Symbols and Borders shall be reflectorized.


1. All signs shall be erected with the bottom of the sign not less than 6 feet above the pavement or ground.
2. Spacing of Parking Prohibition Signs shall not exceed 100 feet. Spacing shall be in accordance with approved plan of, as directed by the Bureau of Fire Safety.
3. Signs, Sign Posts and their foundations and sign mounting shall be so constructed as to hold signs in a proper and permanent position to resist swaying in the wind or displacement by vandalism.
4. This standard detail to supplement Brick Township Ordinance 102-B-02 Chapter 191 as amended or supplemented.

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General Note:
Yellow Traffic Paint shall conform to the requirements specified for Type I Pure Drying Yellow Traffic Paint within the standard specifications for road and bridge construction of New Jersey Department of Transportation (1961 addition amended or supplemented).

Fire Zone shall be 4" wide upper case letters.

Pavement markings shall be painted in accordance with approved plans or as directed by the Bureau of Fire Safety.

Standard detail to supplement Brick Township Chapter 191 as amended or supplemented.

- Truss Signs - 

(Truss Roof & Truss Floor Assembly Signs)

Truss roof signs are required by the State Uniform Fire Code for buildings, which utilize either a floor or roof assembly consisting of truss construction. A truss sign gives early warning to fire and emergency service members that the roof and/or floor may be subject to early collapse in the event of a fire condition.



N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.20(a)1.

"The emblem shall be of a bright and reflective color, or made of reflective material. The shape of the emblem shall be an isosceles triangle and the size shall be 12 inches horizontally by 6 inches vertically. With letters of a size and color to make them conspicuous, shall be printed on the emblem, as shown in images below."

Triangle Signs
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N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.20(a)2
"The emblem shall be permanently affixed to the left of the main entrance door at the height of between 4 feet and 6 feet above the ground, and shall be installed and maintained by the owner of the building".

- Solar Panels - 

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N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.1(a)
"Identifying emblems shall be permanently affixed to the front of structures hosting or being powered by photovoltaic electrical power either on the roof or adjacent to the building."

- Fire Pumping Stations - 

Fire Pump
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Typical Fire Pumping Station Layout as per Chapter 191 Brick Township

- Knox Box System - 

Knox Box

Guidelines for Knox Box Ordering and Installation

In accordance with Township Ordinance, The Brick Township Fire Department utilizes a

Knox Box Rapid Entry System for business occupancies.


Businesses may order the Knox Box Rapid Entry System via electronic ordering at the Knox Box website or by obtaining an application form at the Bureau of Fire Safety office., enter your state, fire dept. is Brick Township Fire Dept-Fire Safety Bureau scroll down to purchase the items you want, and continue to fill in your information. We will receive an update from the Knox Box Company after your order has been placed.


The Knox System allows secure but rapid entry to building areas in the event of an alarm or fire or emergency condition. Emergency access keys to your business are kept in a secure locked box and

entry can only be gained through notification of the police department by the local fire department.

- Steel Gate with Knox Padlocks - 

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- Siren Activated Emergency Access Gate - 

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